Thursday, November 13, 2014

Key to Customer Relationships

“You need to have a good relationship with your customer.”
“The key to customer satisfaction is relationship.”
“Relationship selling is the next big mantra.”

Haven’t you heard this before? The same old words, with a little twist here, and a little twist there. But, have you ever been told the formula for relationships?

Well, relationships are developed and sustained through actions, not just intent. And relationships are not just about sending thank you cards to clients, or sending them seasons greetings. Relationships are nurtured through one simple but powerful word -GIVING.

Giving the client what he needs the most.

But for giving, knowing what to give is absolutely necessary. Mainly our knowledge about customers is limited to only things that they need at the transaction level, i.e., the specific need they call us for.

Knowledge needs to be in 3 specific areas:
  1. Transactional
  2. Business
  3. Personal
Knowledge is important because you can do things for the client only in the areas that you know. Companies collect heaps of information from clients, but most of the times they have no clue how to utilize it to create great relationships.

So check for yourselves, what all do you know about your clients in the above 3 areas? And what have you done with that knowledge?

What You Know > What You Give > Level of Relationships

So your level of relationship with the customer will develop in the area you start giving to the client. Giving can only be possible when we become resourceful and believe in abundance.

A transaction level relationship is considered as a minimum level for survival. If you haven’t created a relationship for transactions he will switch, the moment he finds another service provider. If you give guidance and support in the business area you will develop a business level relationship. If you give support in the personal area, you have developed a personal relationship.

Giving with genuine concern and without an expectation of any returns is in true sense Giving. These are the simple ways to create lasting relationships. And any such act of giving has impact on a higher level of returns.

So now what is the level of relationship that you wish to create with your clients? And what is it that you can give them, which will make a difference to their lives?